It is the effect on the skin that is central to the use of Dermatique. Whatever action and function the integument has in its local area, Dermatique enhances. Many benign orders of the skin may be treated beneficially.
Wrinkled, Aging and Sun Damaged Skin may well be deficient in the very ingredients which Dermatique supplies. The aging process frequently is associated with variable degrees of a metabolic slowdown in all tissues including the skin, and this formula reinforces the waning metabolic functions of the skin.
Scars become softer and less prominent; pits and blemishes as well (such as those scars from acne). Scar Treatment is where Dermatique has had immense success. When used for 2-4 weeks pre-operatively over the planned sites of surgery and continued postoperatively, considerable reduction in scar formation has occurred.
Keloid formation is reduced and often fails to form at all with this routine regimen. Many Plastic and Reconstructive surgeons have adopted this use of Dermatique routinely.
Thermal Burns, Sunburn in particular, respond with relief of pain in 20-30 minutes with Dermatique. When applied 3 or 4 times in the first 24 hours, erythema often disappears, and expected blisters are lessened or do not form at all.
Clinical testing with Dermatique has been carried out on thousands of men and women without any significant clinical complications such as allergic dermatitis or any skin irritation.